As a young girl, I innately sensed that I was called. To what? I didn’t know. High school graduation arrived and with it, the time to choose a career path. So many tears were shed as I pleaded with God – what do You want me to do? I felt unsettled choosing a secular education to lead me to a secular profession. Yet, the desire for missions work or obviously “Christian”, “churchy” jobs was absent. Though I knew without a doubt that I was called by God, He wasn’t providing me with a complete and clear picture.
[bctt tweet=”I knew that I was called by God. To what? I didn’t know. – Caitlin Meadows”]
This struggle I experienced is not uncommon in our culture. There is a separation of Church and State; of sacred and secular. As a result, the Christian tendency is often to assume that those called are exclusively those in ministry situations. The rest of us blend into the background of secular work and attempt to ignore the internal nag of lacking fulfillment.
Os Guinness begs to differ with this assumption and invites 21st century Christians to do likewise. Guinness’ book, The Call: Finding and Fulfilling the Central Purpose of Your Life is for everyday Christians who are learning to embrace everyday leadership.
In other words, this book is for you.
Need a little more convincing before you dive into this journey of contemplation, study, and reflection? We’ve curated 5 short articles reviewing The Call that will have you adding this page-turner to your Amazon Prime cart today.
5 Articles to peak your interest in Os Guinness’ The Call:
1. For the history nerd in you…
“If you were to conduct a survey on an average city street about whether people thought religion belonged in the workplace, chances are high they would say no. Most people today see no relevance between God and work in today’s fast-paced marketplace. Why is this? Why do many Christians even believe this? Well, it goes back to the early years—before the Protestant Reformation. Os Guinness, in his book The Call, provides us the necessary history of how we got to this segmented view of work and life…” Your Work Is Your Ministry
2. Ever thought of yourself as an artisan?
“Long thought to be the exclusive domain of pastors, priests and rabbis, it was actually a ‘man of the cloth’ who invited me to consider that anyone—everyone—is worthy of a calling and in possession of a unique blend of skills and proclivities to be utilized in the service of their community, even if such a pursuit would more likely receive the label of secular rather than sacred…” Finding Fulfilling Work: Live Out Your Calling As An Artisan – Forbes
3. There’s no compartmentalizing your calling.
“Guinness makes it clear: everything is wrapped up in his concept of calling. In ‘vocation’ or ‘calling,’ the very purpose of humanity in general and of Christians in particular is found. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians, ‘So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God’ 1 Corinthians 10:31…” Vocation is Not Just One Aspect of the Christian Life; It is the Whole of Life (“Calling” Part 2)
4. First, discover the Who and then the what of your calling.
“The biggest lesson that was reinforced in my life from The Call was that my primary calling should always first be a passion to know Christ intimately and to become like him personally. This is what Paul was referring to in Philippians 3:10-14. When our deepest longing is to know him we can’t help but tell others about the message of his redemption. When our highest passion is to become like Christ then we will do what Jesus did. And what did he do? He made disciples who made disciples!” Have You Read The Call by Os Guinness?
5. Where do our gifts fit into our calling?
“Related to calling, always be who you are and act in accordance with the giftings God has given you. In our culture, we often allow jobs to define us. But Guinness says that instead of becoming what we do, we are to do what we are. God has given us gifts to be used in the service to others. We steward those gifts through the work God provides and calls us to do.” What Does it Mean to Be Called of God?
Why does Artios recommend Os Guinness’ The Call?
[bctt tweet=”A defined calling is a key quality of every influential Christian. – Caitlin Meadows”]
Because we believe that a defined calling is one of the key qualities of every influential Christian. Furthermore, we believe that every Jesus-follower is uniquely called by God and capable of influencing those in his or her daily circles for Christ. Artios is on a mission to inform and equip Jesus-followers of this truth; we desire every 21st century Christian to embrace vibrancy through living out God’s call! Guinness’ book aligns with this mission.
Want to take it a step further? Study The Call with other, like-minded individuals at Artios Christian College in our introductory course, LEA 111!