Here Am I; Send Me

When I was 26 years old, I heard God’s call deep inside me to go and preach the gospel. The transforming power of Jesus Christ then led me to seek God more intimately.

Working as a nurse, I felt professional satisfaction at seeing people healed from sicknesses, often through prayer. But God spoke to my heart: “You are very happy in your profession seeing those physically sick people healed. But so many people outside the hospital are sick, and their sickness is sin. If nobody will share the way out with them, they will be lost.”

Because Jesus is my Savior and Lord, I gave up my nursing career to serve full time in reaching the lost and reviving the church. I began sharing my testimony and preaching the gospel. As of today, many souls have been saved in various places, many churches planted, and many converts turned into disciple-makers. And we see the hand of God reviving the church.

This year our passion is to preach the gospel as a whole national church, as districts, as local groups, and as individuals. We are radically committed to our Lord and His great commission and passionate to work like the New Testament church!

Would you like to join us? If so, these biblical truths can guide you in reaching the lost more effectively.


Personal encounter

We cannot give something to others that we ourselves don’t have. We cannot sell a product with conviction if we are not convinced about its value. Likewise, we cannot testify about Jesus with power if we have not encountered Him personally. The disciples, Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, and Apostle Paul all had personal encounters with Jesus (Matthew 28:9, 10; John 3:1-3; 4:7-26; Acts 9:3-6).

When we share the gospel, we are not giving people head knowledge. We are sharing the revelation of who Jesus is: the Christ and Son of the living God. We are telling what He has done for us at the cross and will do in our lives through the Spirit’s power if we surrender the throne of our hearts to Him.


Prayer and fasting

Preaching the gospel is spiritual warfare. We are going into Enemy territory and must expect opposition. Therefore, prayer and fasting are critical for the battle. When His disciples failed to cast out a demon from an epileptic boy, Jesus said, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21). In the same way, the spiritual forces of darkness must be bound and cast out from the lives of unbelievers (18:18; Mark 3:27). We cannot truly win the lost for Christ if we don’t first deal with the spiritual strongholds in people and places. Sharing our doctrines cannot cast out the powers of darkness, but we can share the Church’s teachings with people after they are converted.

When I began preaching the gospel where drug addiction and drug smuggling were rampant, the church started with three days of fasting-and-prayer warfare. On the first night, a drug pusher in that area and his wife surrendered to the Lord, and their daughter was healed the next day. Since then, he has been a missionary in our church. Glory to God!


Spirit filling

Paul writes, “Be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18) — a continuous filling. This involves daily surrender to the Lord and cleansing of our spiritual lives from any known and unknown sins. It involves daily devotion to God and walking in holiness of heart so that the fruits and gifts of the Spirit are manifested through us.

Being Spirit-filled means self-denial, self-discipline, and constant prayer — like Jesus, who rose early in the morning to commune with the Father (Mark 1:35). It means reading, memorizing, and meditating on God’s Word so we can confess it to others.



Sharing the gospel requires not only trusting the Holy Spirit to work through us but also gaining knowledge and training in the skills. Many soul-winning guides are available that make points like God’s original plan for man, the problem, the solution, and the response or commitment.

Using these tools effectively takes practice, until expressing our faith becomes a way of life. “Be ready in season and out of season” (2 Timothy 4:2).



We are no longer just Christians; we are soldiers for Christ (2 Timothy 2:3, 4). Equipped with spiritual armor and ready for spiritual battle, we pose a threat to the Enemy when we spread the gospel.

But we’re more than soldiers; we’re also God’s ambassadors. We have all the authority and support of the heavenly forces as we tell others of His glorious grace (2 Corinthians 5:20).



I’ve come a long way since my days of nursing and treating people’s physical ills. I find much more satisfaction now in treating the spiritual health of people. May Paul’s desire to preach the gospel be ours in fulfilling the Great Commission.BA

Avoiding Holy Huddles We Walk the Line

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