A Message from GC President Loren Stacy

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

The death of George Floyd at the hand of a Minneapolis, Minnesota policeman was brutal, unnecessary, and outrageous. We unequivocally condemn what was done to Mr. Floyd and encourage all members of the Body of Christ to pray for Mr. Floyd’s family and for our community, state or provincial, and national leaders. May God bring justice, peace, and reconciliation to our world. It is so desperately needed.

Further, we condemn racism wherever it exists and in whatever way it is expressed. No one should be mistreated or mistrusted because of the color of his or her skin. As many of us sang as children, “Red, brown, yellow, black, and white, ALL are precious in His sight.” We acknowledge, however, that such mistreatment and mistrust is often experienced by our brothers and sisters of color as they go about their daily lives, and sometimes, very unfortunately, even at the hands of their brothers or sisters in Christ. As ambassadors of Christ, ministers of reconciliation, and representatives of the Kingdom of God, we must not tolerate racism among us. It is evil. The Kingdom of God and of His Son is and forever will be populated by saints “of every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev. 5:9). We encourage all members of the Church of God (Seventh Day) to demonstrate that kingdom reality here and now.

Finally, we condemn violence and the threat of violence against people or property. We must always peacefully resist and object to injustice and all things contrary to the Kingdom of God. But rioting, looting, and attacking others is not the way of Christ no matter the injustice one may perceive or have suffered. On the contrary, “the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh” (2 Cor. 10:4). We are to love our enemies and to do good to those who hate us (Luke 6:27).

Rather than allowing ourselves to be sucked into the political and economic agendas of the world, let’s “Focus on Jesus and Follow His Plan.” As individual members and as congregations, may our hearts be broken by the needless pain and suffering we see all around us, the results of man’s separation from God. May we cry out to God for relief and reconciliation. May we “make the teaching about God our Savior attractive” (Titus 2:10) by the way we conduct ourselves in this fallen world. The kingdom of man will always be divided. The Kingdom of God must never be. May people see and experience our love for God, for our neighbors, and for one another, and thereby know that we are Christ’s disciples.

Yours in Christ,

Loren Stacy

General Conference President


Estimados Hermanos y Hermanas:

La muerte de George Floyd a manos de un policía de Minneapolis, Minnesota, fue brutal, innecesaria e indignante. Sin lugar a dudas condenamos lo que le hicieron al Sr. Floyd y alentamos a todos los miembros del Cuerpo de Cristo a orar por la familia del Sr. Floyd y por nuestra comunidad, estado o provincia, y por los líderes nacionales. Que Dios traiga justicia, paz y reconciliación a nuestro mundo. Algo que desesperadamente necesita.

Además, condenamos el racismo donde quiera que exista y en cualquier forma que se exprese. Nadie debería ser maltratado o se le debería desconfiar debido al color de su piel. Así como muchos de nosotros cantábamos de niños: “Café, rojo, amarillo, negro y blanco, TODOS son preciosos a los ojos de Dios”. Sin embargo, reconocemos que nuestros hermanos y hermanas de color a menudo experimentan tal maltrato y desconfianza en su vida cotidiana y, a veces, lamentablemente, incluso por parte de sus hermanos o hermanas en Cristo.

Como embajadores de Cristo, ministros de la reconciliación y representantes del Reino de Dios, no debemos tolerar el racismo entre nosotros. Eso es algo malvado. El Reino de Dios y de Su Hijo está y estará siempre poblado por santos “de cada tribu y lengua, pueblo y nación” (Apocalipsis 5:9). Alentamos a todos los miembros de la Iglesia de Dios (Séptimo Día) a demostrar la realidad del reino aquí y ahora.

Finalmente, condenamos la violencia y la amenaza de violencia contra personas o propiedades. Siempre debemos resistir y objetar pacíficamente la injusticia y todas las cosas contrarias al Reino de Dios. Pero alborotar, saquear y atacar a otros no es el camino de Cristo, sin importar la injusticia que uno pueda percibir o haber sufrido. Al contrario, “las armas de nuestra guerra no son de la carne” (2 Corintios 10: 4). Debemos amar a nuestros enemigos y hacer el bien a los que nos odian (Lucas 6:27).

En lugar de permitirnos ser absorbidos por los movimientos políticos y económicos del mundo, “Enfoquémonos en Jesús y sigamos Su plan”. Que nuestros corazones sean quebrantados, en forma individual y como congregaciones, por el dolor y el sufrimiento innecesario que vemos a nuestro alrededor, consecuencia de la separación del hombre de Dios. Espero que clamemos a Dios por alivio y reconciliación. Espero que “hagamos atractiva la enseñanza acerca de Dios nuestro Salvador” (Tito 2:10) por la forma en que nos comportamos en este mundo caído. El reino del hombre siempre estará dividido. El Reino de Dios nunca debe estarlo.

Que las personas vean y experimenten nuestro amor por Dios, por nuestro prójimo y por uno al otro, y así sepan que somos discípulos de Cristo.

Suyo en Cristo,

Loren Stacy

Presidente de la Conferencia General

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Written By

Jason Overman is Editor of Publications of the Bible Advocate Press. After 24 years in the publishing industry (in sales and management) with the Harrison Daily Times, Jason left his general manager’s position to join the BAP family in 2015. He has served in ministry for 30 years and currently pastors the Church of God (Seventh Day) in Jasper, Arkansas, with his wife, Stephanie, and two children, Tabitha and Isaac. Jason enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling, reading theology, playing his guitar, and taking in the beautiful Ozark Mountains he calls home.

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