I Hear The Call

I Hear the Call


I hear the call to the highest peaks, 

The cry to the deepest trenches,

And I fear the barren summits,

And dread the darkest tempests.


I know the Creator of the mountains, 

The Maker of the deep,

And I trust the One who calls and guides

To tend and grow and love His sheep. 


I hear the call to climb higher,

The cry to dive deeper yet,

And I feel the rising fear within

But I seize faith, rise up, and step.


  • Alisha Plummer


Will we have eternal reunions with our loved ones? Moses’ Mistake

Written By

Alisha Plummer has been published in the Upper Room, Christian Devotions Ministries, and the Baptist New Mexican. She works in the emergency department by day and writes a devotional blog (pandorasporch.com) by night. Alisha lives in Rio Rancho, NM, with her wonderful family and a dog named Duchess.

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