Closing a Chapter

The magazine you hold (or read online) completes my eighteenth year as its editor. My first issue was the September 1997 BA, following the editorial service of Elder Roy Marrs. From then until now, 147 separate issues of the magazine have been published and distributed, totaling 4,108 pages of print, pictures, and covers.

Figure an average of 350 to 400 words on each page, and it comes out to over 1.5 million words we’ve sent your way in eighteen years. Several of those words and a few of those pages I’d take back if I could (thank you for your grace toward this editor!) — but not many.

I’m grateful to those who’ve worked alongside us most or all these years: Sherri Langton, Keith Michalak, Sylvia Corral, Hope Dais (and LeRoy, now deceased), Whaid Rose, and all the Denver office staff — a stable team; to the writers, readers, and donors who have made this ministry not only possible but also meaningful to many; and to our Lord, who gives us richly all things — including the editing task — to enjoy.

What’s ahead for me? I’ll work with your new editor (as of July 5), Jason Overman (see p. 25), on the next issue or two and keep on writing for BAP’s literature needs beyond that. I’ll continue as G. C. Missions director for CoG7 through mid-2016 at least. Later this summer, my wife and I will make a long-considered move to Oregon, God willing, where we’ll be near two of our three daughters and twelve of our sixteen grandchildren. There we hope to be active in a new local church and find new opportunities for service in our new community.

Finally, not all of you will attend the Church’s G. C. convention (June 29 — July 4 in Milwaukee), but many of you will. There we will review the proposed new General Conference bylaws, listen to and speak in the debate regarding them, and cast our votes either to adopt or reject the proposal. As you’ve read in recent BAs, this is no ordinary time in CoG7. Church business sessions in Milwaukee will offer time for each of us to seek extraordinary wisdom (truth) and exercise extraordinary self-restraint (grace) as we process what we hear and see and as we adjust to the reality of the outcome.

A harmonious church, like a happy marriage, is the union of good forgivers. Let’s go for it!BA

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