Eternal Kingdom
I saw her pause, lean on her cane
to listen to another person in pain,
offering the hurt to share.
I glimpsed her bouquet of garden flowers
as she entered a sick room at visiting hours,
bringing needed comfort and care.
Once more, I viewed as she bowed to pray
beside the casket of one gone away,
though she was no blood kin.
And later, when she cradled a sleeping newborn,
she said to his mother, who seemed tired and worn,
“What a blessing your family has been.”
At her funeral I offered my own silent prayer,
as I heard the praise for this life that shared
our Lord’s view of human worth.
There I asked Him to guide my footsteps each day
so the actions I take, the words that I say
will remain when I’m gone from this earth.
-Chris Ahlemann