He Makes Me Worthy

I have observed the Lord’s Supper/Passover for several decades, and it becomes more meaningful each year. For me, it is a solemn memorial service and a joyful rededication and relationship renewal with my brothers and sisters.

Our Creator knew that we would need weekly and annual reminders to recommit our hearts and redirect our attention back to Him and to His plan for us. While I don’t really forget, I certainly become distracted in my daily life. This special evening reemphasizes my need for a Savior and the price He paid for me, when the penalty should have been mine. It reminds me that we have been given the greatest of all gifts and that all we need to do is accept it. To share in the body and blood of Christ is something that I am completely unworthy of, yet He makes me worthy! What an overwhelming act of mercy and love.

God highly values relationships. The Lord’s Supper service serves to strengthen not only our relationship with Him but also our love and humility toward one another. I am in awe when I think about Jesus washing Judas’ feet, knowing what he would do. What a lesson this is to me and my human tendencies! It reminds me that I must strive to treat every person with kindness and that I should be willing to serve others in any way I see an opportunity.

The Lord’s Supper service breaks my heart, renews my heart, and brings joy to my heart, all at the same time. Thank You, Lord, for the blessing of this annual memorial!


Dawn Wayman is accountant for the General Conference and attends the Colorado Springs, CO CoG7.

Preparing for Supper Lord’s Supper Memories

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