Greetings BA Readers!
I have a very special item for you from the Editor’s Desk. A few months ago, I posted on the BA’s Facebook page an invitation to new writers to submit an article or poem to the Bible Advocate Press. With the help of his mom, this special young man answered the call. God bless him. Malachi, who is the ten-year old son of Ana and Brock Treybig, submitted an original poem about Creation. I’ve included it below for you to enjoy.
Malachi Matias Treybig has two siblings, Meshach and Micaiah, and a dog named Capone. His family lives in Washburn, ND, and attends the Devils Lake Church of God (Seventh Day).
If you’re like Malachi and interested in writing for the Bible Advocate, learn more about it here:
By Malachi Matias Treybig
On the first day, God made the world.
He started with darkness and light.
God’s power is really bright.
On the second day, He made the heavens and on the third, the sea.
He worked harder than a bumblebee.
He also made the beautiful flowers of the land,
And He added the sand that we can pick up with our hand.
Then the fourth day came, and God made space.
The stars and the planets all came to place.
On the fifth day, He made the animals that roam the ocean, and the happy birds.
Those include animals like cardinals, robins, woodpeckers, sharks, and jellyfish.
We would not be able to describe these animals with so many words.
But be careful: Jellyfish are not toys to squish.
When the sixth day came along, God made the animals, big and small.
He used His mighty power on these beasts, one and all.
These animals are all tough in their own way.
A breath of life, each and every day.
Finally, on the holy Sabbath day, God rested to see His mighty creations.
He saw all of His work from the highest elevations.
When He made His creations, He was never afraid.
And that was the seventh day He made.