The Devoted Creator

It is safe to assume that almost everyone has taken part in creation. Most people have played a part in creating something. It may have been a small something; it may have been a massive something.

As children, we make art out of dry noodles and paper plates. As adults, we build cabinets, manufacture cars, and even design software for complicated machines. Creation is in our blood. We get it from our Father in heaven.

As humans, however, we demonstrate varying levels of devotion to our projects. One person may set out to build a rocking chair, and after an hour of toil, toss it aside, deciding it’s not worth the effort. Another may spend four years painting a gorgeous mural on the ceiling of a church.

Fickle creation

Faithfulness varies among people. We can be frustrating. We can be fickle. But God Almighty is neither. He is a completely devoted Creator. He loves us, His creation, with an unending love.

Imagine a sculptor standing near a large block of stone. His chisel is in his hand. After months of hard work, the sculptor is finished. His statue is magnificent. He is pleased with his creation.

Now imagine that the statue is given the ability to make decisions. It chooses to damage itself over and over. It leaves scars on the marble. It chips away at its own beauty. The sculptor would likely try to intervene. He would likely try to repair the damage, but the statue continues to display destructive behavior. Eventually, as most people would, the sculptor would give up.

Faithful God

As a people, we are very much like the statue. We were wonderfully created, and yet, we choose daily to mar our God-given beauty. We disappoint our Creator over and over. We lie about each other. We treat each other poorly. We become selfish. We deliberately disobey our Maker. To be more precise, we sin.

Thankfully, our God will not give up on us. In his second letter to Timothy, the apostle Paul reassures his brother in the Lord, and all of us that “If we are faithless, He remains faithful; He cannot deny Himself” (2 Timothy 2:13).

The Lord will not give up on His creation, even if His creation fails Him time and time again. The apostle calls Him faithful. Not only is devotion a characteristic of our Maker, but it is also part of His essence. God is faithful in His very nature, and He will not oppose His own nature.

The Bible explains exactly how the Lord is faithful and remains constant for us. We are shown that God loves every person, so much so that He made the ultimate sacrifice (John 3:16). His Word also affirms that He “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4).

Sinful choice

As His creation, we have all decided to damage ourselves. We have all chosen to disobey. We choose sin over righteousness. In the midst of so much failure, our God remains true to us. He remains constant.

The beloved disciple addresses this in one of his letters. John assures us that if we confess our sins and turn from them, the Lord is “faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

The truth is crystal clear: We have all sinned. We have all missed the mark (Romans 3:23). We have the privilege of making our own decisions, and often we choose the wrong thing. Much like that marble statue, we cause harm to ourselves, not just physically but spiritually.

Nevertheless, our Creator continues to patch us up. He continues to work on us. God Almighty is faithfully standing by, ready to forgive and redeem.

Feed My Sheep How to Hear from God

Written By

Jason Harrison has been in ministry for ten years and pastors a small church in southern Illinois. His writing has been published in The Christian Journal and Purpose. Jason is married and lives in Murphysboro, IL.

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